South East Police up for Suicide Prevention

The Malawi Police Service in the Southeastern Region has partnered with health and psychology experts to train officers across the country on how to deal with job-related stress and depression. The Deputy Commissioner of Police for the region, Stain Chaima, called on male police officers to open up and share their social and economic challenges with experts to avoid resorting to suicide. In 2022, 134 people in the region committed suicide, with 123 of them being men. Chaima acknowledged that male police officers, like the general population, also suffer from stress and depression, hence the need for mental health and wellness interventions. Charles Simba, a mental health expert, believes sensitizing men on signs and symptoms of suicidal thoughts can reduce suicide cases to zero. The training, organized by the Police Region Women Network in partnership with health officials and St John's of God, attracted officers from Thyolo, Mulanje, Chiradzulu, Phalombe, Chikwawa, and Nsanje

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